General information
Personal information is all information that may in any way be related or traced to you. When you use our website, we collect and process some such information. For example, this happens when you get access to the contents of our website, if you subscribe to our newsletter, take part in a contest or surveys, register as a user or a subscriber, or in other ways make use of or buy our services on the internet.
Typically, we collect and process the following types of information: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, your geographical position and which sites you click (interests). If you yourself give specific consent and enter the information yourself, we also process name, phone number, e-mail address, geographical address and payment information. This will often be in connection with paying for service or the setting up of log-in.
We have taken technical and organisational steps to prevent your information from being illegally erased, published, lost, reduced, and from falling into the hands of unauthorised persons or in any other way being used against the law, whether intentionally or unintentionally
The information is used to identify you as a user and to show you adverts which are more probably relevant for you, to register your purchases and payments, and to deliver the services you are interested in, e.g. mailing you newsletters. Furthermore, we use this information in order to optimise our services and the contents of our websites.
Period of safe-keeping
Your information is kept in the period of time which the law allows, and we erase it when it is no longer necessary. This period depends on the nature and the background of the information in question. Therefore it is not possible to state anything general concerning when information will be erased.
The transmission of information
Data about your use of our website, which adverts you receive and, possibly, click, geographical position, gender, age segment, etc., is passed on to third parties to the extent that this information is known. You can see who these third parties are in the Cookies” section above.
The information is used for advert targeting.
Furthermore, we use a number of third parties to store and handle data. These third parties exclusively process this information on our behalf and are not allowed to use it for their own purposes.
The passing on of personal information such as name and e-mail, etc., will only happen with your consent. We use only third parties from EU countries or countries who can guarantee that your information is sufficiently protected.
Access and complaints
You have a right to be informed which personal information we process about you. Furthermore, you can object against the use of this information at any time. You can also revoke your consent that this information be used. If the information used about you is wrong, you have a right to have it corrected or erased. In such cases, please address directly If you wish to complain about our use of your personal information, you may also contact Datatilsynet.
This website is owned and maintained by
Hørby Færgekro Aps
Strandvejen 1
DK – 4300 Holbæk
Phone: +45 59 46 01 31
CVR number (= the Danish Central Business Register number): 42355860
Third parties
Third parties who have access to cookies and information about the use of this site:
The owner of this homepage and contact information:
This homepage is owned and operated by:
Hørby Færgekro Aps
Strandvejen 1
DK – 4300 Holbæk
Phone: +45 59 46 01 31
CVR number (= the Danish Central Business Register number): 42355860
Do you have questions?
If you have any comments or questions regarding our handling of your information, you are welcome to contact us.
This page was updated on July 9, 2021.